Friday, October 22, 2010

flash fiction: Murder

Bones crushed and breathing ceased with a final effort. Blood bathed the violent scene. Breaking his neck had hastened his death. She then ripped off a fleshy piece to compensate for the exhaustion the struggle cost her.

It’s been weeks.  Now the setting sun was giving way to the approaching night, and she knew she had to return with the carcass soon.

The remainder of her emaciated pups await in the distant burrow.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thank You!

I've recently treated out some friends for lunch and a movie (we saw The Town starring Ben Affleck).

We had so much fun! Anyway, thanks to those who came.

And thanks especially to Den Den, Lyka, and Ace for the cake! HAHA

the Jane Goodall part got me into some trouble. hahaha

back from hiatus! (and an exhausting loaded semester)

It's been awhile. I haven't written in some time, and am REALLY desperate to catch up with some things.

-sigh- I'm just glad I'm taking a break from school for a while to take back several hours of sleep (and sanity!) haha!

Anyway, this is the first time I'm using this blog, and I hope I could make the most of it. School hasn't really been too forgiving, so I've had so much trouble finding some time to write and pick up on a few books I began reading lately...and I seriously owe my dogs some long walks. I promise I'm going to make it up to them :D

So here are my books for the break I hope to finish:

managed reading halfway
through this
great book! Dawkins'
"missing link" so to speak
really close to finishing this
one.another inspiring one, Jane!