Sunday, February 27, 2011

Culminating Activity with NSTP Tutees :)

Had fun yesterday! :D
Sure we're all proud of everything we prepared for them.
Really happy for the kids and for our area monitors.
Ang saya na nila sa mga simpleng bagay lang.
If anything, I think it's me who's got a lot to learn from my kids.

Letters from my tutees were... interesting :))

Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say - Yahoo! News

I know it's weird, but this reminds me of a dream I had years ago. 

Images of destruction of our forests.


Bleached coral reefs.




Then a voice. This old man telling me that such changes will occur from 2050-2080.

Since that time, I've had repeated encounters with the year 2050. It just keeps resurfacing in a lot of articles I read. 

Hmm. :\

Speak Up for Bats

Speak Up for Bats
Speak Up for Bats

Read about this years ago. Strange. Similar things have been happening to frogs and honeybees.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just to remind myself of what things the PAWS shelter might need. Got this directly from their website:

If you wish to donate in kind, the following are at the priority list of PARC:

  • Dog food (kibble and canned)

  • Catfood (kibble and canned)

  • Kennel cabs, carriers or cages

  • Vaccines, medicine, surgical materials/equipment, pet vitamins which you think our shelter animals can use.

  • Scratching posts for the cats

  • Chew toys for dogs

Besides feeding and taking care of our shelter animals, there's always a lot of cleaning to be done at the PAWS shelter - so if you're thinking of what the best thing you could give us besides dogfood, catfood and animal accessories, on top of our list is

  • DETERGENT POWDER and BLEACH to disinfect our animal areas. No matter how much and how often you give detergent powder, for as long as we have live animals in our shelter, we would always need it.

Other things we need to clean our animal areas:

  • dishwashing paste or liquid (kitty & doggie bowls need constant cleaning too!)
  • clean old towels or rags, or foot rugs, or anything we can use to line their plastic pans that the kitties use as "cat beds" (they all huddle & crowd in these "cat beds" at night )

  • walis tingting

  • alcohol, cotton and toilet paper for our clinic and sickbay areas

  • old newspaper to line the cages in our feline quarantine and sickbay areas
  • garbage bags (size XXL)

"Friends overlook each other's lapses"

Just a quote I picked up from Big Bang Theory a few minutes ago. :)