Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Secret Sits... Whispering Latency

We dance round in a ring and suppose / But the secret sits in the middle and knows.
-Robert Frost, The Secret Sits

Probably a poem in progress. Just committing thoughts into words at the moment. 


Whispering Latency

The day this story's told,
voice shall be lent.
A spirited youth.
Crippling inhibition.

Friday, December 24, 2010

メリー・クリスマス! :D

I know I've a lot to update on since I haven't been posting lately--at least not here. But it's the holidays and things have been quite busy. Perhaps I'd find time tomorrow? Maybe. Haha.

Anyway, for now, as the Japanese say it: メリー・クリスマス! :D

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Random Thoughts Keep Me Entertained

Feeling sick from overworking myself this week... Not exactly feeling the Christmas spirit...

I suppose sickness renders the mind vulnerable to flying off and greeting ideas of meager value to anyone else. hahaha

Just a few random thoughts lately. One that got me thinking: I wonder how life might be for me if I had the ability to turn invisible on a whim. 

Hmm. Invisibility would be so cool! :D
Then perhaps that coolness would compensate for all of this -__-

Concluding a Very Special Year

This year, marking the 50th anniversary of Jane's pioneering research (which coincidentally happens to be the International Year of Biodiversity as well), is about to end :(

Well, wildlife and biodiversity in general remain threatened by ever-growing challenges, but so long as we have inspiring figures like Jane, I suppose we all have good reason to keep hopeful for the future :)

In spite of the vast scale of threats to the planet, environmental leaders allow us to conclude such a special year with hope!

Gombe: 50 Years of Research and Inspiration from the Jane Goodall Institute on Vimeo.

Tipping Point

Nice video :)

Mentioned here are the different environmental problems we face, ranging from the increasingly tangible water crisis to the currently vast scale of biodiversity loss.

ps I remember the topic I suggested for our environment project in religion, 3rd year HS. I suggested we work on the water crisis, but no. Can you believe it? Our teacher rejected the topic, saying it might not be so relevant anymore given that the rainy season was already beginning... If it were that simple, it wouldn't even be called a CRISIS -__-

Sunday, December 12, 2010

bracing myself for another exhausting week...

I just hope my sanity remains intact after the week/s ahead.

Hmm. Perhaps something to look forward to might help?


*hits head on desk*

Oh, right.

I forgot about the deadlines and exams sinisterly waiting to greet me after the "break."

Saturday, December 11, 2010

no chemistry :|

I recognize that a fundamental understanding of the chemistry behind the workings of life is necessary for a firm foundation in the study of life itself.


Upon receiving my result for my first exam in organic chemistry...

I'm reminded of my reason for taking up biology in the first place: admittedly, I just wanted to study the life sciences to one day study animals in the wild and figure out ways to contribute to the saving of ecosystems along with everything that inhabits them, not to understand the chemical/molecular explanations for various phenomena.


It's so difficult trying to study something I'm remotely interested in -_-

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Tarzan and Jane of the animal world - Telegraph

The Tarzan and Jane of the animal world - Telegraph

The two people that inspire me the most interviewed together! :D
I just learned they're actually referred to as "Tarzan and Jane" by their colleagues. It's a really small world, isn't it? :)

Nice article!